Od 18 czerwca 2012 jesteśmy partnerem TUI Poland w organizowaniu wyjazdów Incentive Travel

What does ABBA have to do with Australia? – part 2/5

The journey continued without history. Also this time Singapore Airlines has risen to the challenge, with one small exception in the form of losing our luggage. We were immediately informed that they would provide us with luggage for 12 hours and we received 200 Australian dollars to wipe away the tears. Such losing of luggage you can even like 🙂

read also: What does ABBA have to do with Australia? – part 1

The first destination of the visit – Perth. Apparently 2 million inhabitants, but even Rzeszów seems to be more metropolitan.

It’s time to pick up our camper. There is a queue in the rental office, so we wait. From the poster we find out that they suggest renting a satellite phone. We shrug our shoulders. For what? Again, some „absurdity.” After all, we have our phones and bought an Australian sim card. In the meantime, they bring us lost luggage. We receive a proposal to eliminate the restrictions. Whoo, was not so expensive. The lady at the rental shop is very nice. She asks about travel plans. She knows that the camper is in Darwin so she advises to extend the lease from 7 to 10 days straight away. In this situation, we do not even inform her that we have a plane from Darwin to Melbourne in 5 days. Why stress a woman? With understanding, we accept information to go carefully, not at night because of animals, that there are many accidents, and we do not have a auto insurance after dark. Let’s move. Adaptation to left-hand traffic does not take much time. Only for a long time instead of the turn signal we will turn on the wipers. On the first day we visit Pinnacles Desert – interesting rock form protruding from the desert sand.

First night, first camp and first surprise. After dark everything is closed, all the luck except the wine store :-). And the dark falls at 18. Fortunately, the camp gate remains open.

We get up at dawn (and it will be until the end). A quick bath in a ladies’ toilet because this one was open, and we do not know the access code to the male. Everyone at the campsite are asleep. Even, there is no one to pay. There are more unhappiness. At that time, we did not know that we would not pay for the night, because there will be no one.

On the second day Pink Lake goes to the first fire. Because the sky is cloudy, the lake does not have a pink color but an undefined one.

Time is chasing. We can not wait for the sun to come out from behind the clouds and bring out the amazing color of the lake. We have a tight schedule. The next point is Kalbarri National Park. A place really worth a visit. We admire the fabulous cliffs. We would be happy to stay longer but ….. of course the way.

Kangaroo on the roadside, only that they are already lightly fed up by birds. We study the guide and make a spontaneous decision. We are diving in the area of Ningaloo Reef, after all we have swimming trunks and swimming goggles. The coral reef is 50 meters from the shore, so we spend almost an hour splashing in warm water. Returning to the camper, we find a nice message under wiper from the local authority, that we can not stay here overnight (No camping).

So we go further, admiring the termite mounds.

We spend the night at a roadside parking. It’s good that we bought some sandwiches at the station in the morning. At least we have something to eat for dinner.

read more: What does ABBA have to do with Australia? – part 3/5

– Dariusz Skrocki

Poznan lawyer, passionate about sports and traveling. A dozen or so years he practiced horse riding, winning medals in regional and national competitions. Currently an avid triathlete. By 2017 he completed 26 triathlon competitions at different distances. Pursuing his travel passion, he visited all continents except Antarctica.

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