Od 18 czerwca 2012 jesteśmy partnerem TUI Poland w organizowaniu wyjazdów Incentive Travel

Vietnamese mix full of impressions

Vietnam is a real mix. A combination of various places, sounds, emotions, scents and landscapes. It’s beautiful mountains, wonderful coast, amazing cities, delicious food, great people.

This Asian country, despite economic development and changes, retains its identity and culture.

Women still wear conical hats, people still live on their barges on the water.

But how long will it take and when will they also undergo completely mass tourism? We will not find out. We know that Vietnam is definitely changing. That is why it is worth going there now, when we can still see the authenticity of this country.

In addition to the typical places to visit, we tried to leave the tourist route, visit less-frequented places, meet even more smiling people.

Visit in Sapa enabled us it. Its high mountains and hundreds of terraced rice fields are definitely breathtaking.

After an overnight journey as old as the world by train, we reach the border with China and go for over 25 km trekking with one of the local guides from the Hmong tribe who will talk about local ethnic minorities, customs and traditions.

The reward for persistent maneuvering on very narrow and steep rice fields, between grazing buffalos is rest. And the next point of the program of the day was the night at the guide, in her home with her family. The supper which is prepared for us and the ravishing of local moonshine.

Another place that delighted us is the charming town of Hoi An lying halfway along the South China Sea Vietnam, by the river Thu Bon.

Every month, during the full moon, its streets are filled with residents and visitors. This is the time when the Vietnamese pay tribute to their ancestors. The rituals are held all over the country, but an extraordinary atmosphere is in Hoi An. In the evening, the lights go out, and the narrow streets are lit only by hand-made colorful lanterns.

The city is quiet and the inhabitants focus on prayer. Every evening on the river lanterns are released that help get rid of all worries.
Currently, the city deals in trade, but now it is rather local. We can sew here a silk suit, shirts, a beautiful evening dress or a traditional Vietnamese ao dai outfit, all in just one day.

An interesting building attraction in Hoi An is the Japanese bridge, the only one in the world covered the roof and having temples. Guarded by a dog and a monkey considered in Japan as sacred animals. According to legend, its construction started in the Year of the Dog and finished in the Year of the Monkey.
This is one of the most charming cities I have ever visited.
In the evenings it is simply fabulous!

Another highlight is the famous Ha Long Bay with even more famous limestone islets, located about 160km southeast of the capital. Undoubtedly a beautiful place, located on the UNESCO World Heritage List. A cruise on the bay and a close-up view of limestone rocks covered with vegetation makes an impression.

During the overnight stay on the barge we can learn the traditional method of fishing in the bay, and in the morning we have the opportunity to sail canoes between the moors, enter the bays cut off from the world, where on the rocks prey monkeys.

It is impossible to visit everything, but we have the extraordinary satisfaction that during our stay in Vietnam we met and saw the best.

Author: Agnieszka Pawlak – Sales specialis Travel PP
contact: agnieszka.pawlak@travelpp.dkonto.pl

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