Od 18 czerwca 2012 jesteśmy partnerem TUI Poland w organizowaniu wyjazdów Incentive Travel

Taiwanese night market – part 1/2

From English „Night market” is more than just a market. Actually it’s a symbol and even a lifestyle. There are people from all walks of life, both the poorest and high-ranking people.

The street, which shines empty during the day, turns into a vibrant space at night, through which it is difficult to cross without rubbing against other people.

What is thier phenomenon and secret? First of all, we can buy everything there, usually at very good prices, which go hand in hand with good quality. However, the culinary scene is in the lead.

We can eat here a variety of dishes from seafood, through giblets, to sophisticated pastries and melt sweets in mouth.

Everything is fresh, because the products go down in the blink of an eye, so there is no chance that they will be store anywhere longer.

Markets usually open just after dark, when they can light up their colorful neon signs. Apparently there are over 100 of them in all of Taiwan! In Taipei we can find a dozen or so. The largest and best-known is Shilin Market and I think that it will boldly satisfy our shopping needs. I managed to buy even a tailor-made suit.

read more: Taiwanese night market – part 2/2

– Łukasz Trusz

Telecommunication and media engineer. He loves to visit places, take pictures, tastes new things and looking for his place on Earth while traveling. Photos and his impressions are shared on the blog www.zPodrozy.pl


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