Od 18 czerwca 2012 jesteśmy partnerem TUI Poland w organizowaniu wyjazdów Incentive Travel

Sils full of positive energy

Swiss Sils is the best destination for freeriders and lovers of mountain tourism. In search of perfect fluff and great landscapes, our Inspirers at the end and beginning of the year, came to a town situated at 1,800 m above sea level, in south-eastern Switzerland. It is impossible to determine this place differently than „Paradise for winter sports enthusiasts”.

Sils is located near the famous ski areas around St. Moritz. From the top of Furtschellas you can directly get to the Corvatsch ski resort with the highest mountain station in the Eastern Alps, at an altitude of 3303 m.

Under the great impression of the picturesque place, between the Sils and Silvaplana lakes, in the Maloja district, in the Swiss Canton of Grisons, there was also the famous philosopher Fryderyk Nietzsche, who stayed here from 1881 to 1888. Today, in his house is the Friedrich Nietzsche-Haus museum.

Likewise, Proust, Hesse, Rilke, Thomas Mann, William Faulkner … are also Sils’ guests, well-known writers, philosophers, musicians and painters all over the world. Some of them were here very short, while others came back every year.

The whole region attracts and surprises with adversities. In addition to modern and luxurious architecture, there are traditional mountain huts and old Romanesque churches.

There is a lot of light everywhere. The best conditions to rest and recharge properly with energy for the New Year! I certainly recommend this place 🙂

Wojtek Maciejewski

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