Od 18 czerwca 2012 jesteśmy partnerem TUI Poland w organizowaniu wyjazdów Incentive Travel

Real life in Bali – part 2/5

In truth Pemuteran has one main road. On one its side are the mountains, on the other the sea. Between them a small flat piece of land torn from nature, on which grew human headquarters, several medium-sized resorts, small restaurants, several shops and more than 25 diving centers.

read more: Real life in Bali – part 1/5

In this one, my beloved Nemo Divers Bali.

Because Pemuteran is a coral reef: the one in the bay and the one around the nearby Island of the Deer (Menjangan Island). Tourism is underdeveloped and the inhabitants are poorer compared to other parts of the island.

However, nowhere during my travels did I meet equally positive, warm and friendly people. They are open to the world, smiling, despite the fact that everyday life in Bali is not easy and pleasant at all. They have their problems. They often solve them in an absurd way, but this is Bali. Full of extremes.

Here everyone will give you a smile, will greet you, ask: how are you? Where are you from? What’s your name? They are like the weather in their country: SUNNY. And when someone asks me: why are you coming back to Bali? I answer: I go back to the people I love with all my heart. To my friend Nilli and her family, to the boys from the dive center and my beloved friend Wayan.

I had the unbelievable happiness that they appeared on my way of life and invited me into their world. It is thanks to them that I have the opportunity to learn about their culture, religion and tradition. Balinese people believe in karma: what you give will come back to you once.

read more: Real life in Bali – part 3/5

– Agnieszka Ruda

Economist by profession, firmly embedded in numbers, „absorber” of books and a fan of good music. She has been traveling constantly since 2010. In 2017, finally found her place in the world – the Indonesian island of BALI.

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