Od 18 czerwca 2012 jesteśmy partnerem TUI Poland w organizowaniu wyjazdów Incentive Travel

Real life in Bali – part 1/5

Pemuteran is a small village away from the tourist bustle in the northwest of Bali. A beautiful, black, sandy beach dotted with a few small resorts, restaurants and diving centers. This is my place on earth.

Someone wise said that the best feeling on this planet is to feel the peace of the soul; no stress, no fear, no constant meditation – just peace. I feel it there. Bali in the image of most of us is a tourist paradise accessible to the chosen ones. That’s not true.

Bali is an ordinary place, ordinary people, living in accordance with their religion and tradition. Bali is a wonderful nature, the sun, but also everyday life strewn with problems.

To get from the airport in Denpasar to Pemuteran you have to drive along the entire island. Due to the mountainous terrain, the journey by car takes about 4 hours.

The travels are compensated by the wonderful views that extend behind the window. And this unbelievable contrast between the commercial south and the ordinary human north. Here is the real life of the island for me. Peace and quiet.

Pigs running on the streets, ubiquitous dogs, chickens on the beach, rubbish and rubbish, and at the „gas station” a wooden shelf with plastic bottles filled with fuel.

And temples – those tiny in backyard and those big, solemn ones. Everywhere is full of them. Because Bali is religion and an improbable tradition connected with it.

read more: „Real life in Bali – part 2/5”

– Agnieszka Ruda

Economist by profession, firmly embedded in numbers, „absorber” of books and a fan of good music. She has been traveling constantly since 2010. In 2017, finally found her place in the world – the Indonesian island of BALI.

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