Od 18 czerwca 2012 jesteśmy partnerem TUI Poland w organizowaniu wyjazdów Incentive Travel

My India

It is not possible to describe in a few sentences such a huge and diverse country as India, but you can say one thing, either you love them or hate them. I do not know anyone who was in India and remained indifferent.

My travels to India are always connected with Ayurveda, which I deal with professionally and Vedic philosophy. The closest to my heart are the places where I am going to learn Ayurveda, that is around Delhi and Vrindavan, where my spiritual teacher Dr. Satanarayan Dasa lives.

Vrindavan is an extremely fascinating place, it is a place listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the place where the most temples in the world are located. Lord Krishna’s spent childhood in Vrindavan, so you will find there many beautiful temples dedicated to him. It is a city of temples, pilgrims and cows. It is worth to get out of the beaten trails to visit them, especially that from here it is not far to Agra, where the famous Taj Mahal is located.

In the area around Kutb Minar there are ruins of two mosques, where Kuwwat-al-Islam is the oldest mosque in North India, built of materials from around twenty Hindu temples.

Wedding ceremony. Bride’s Sari always in red.

My India is also people with whom I work open and friendly.

– Elżbieta Żuk-Widmańska

Elżbieta Żuk-Widmańska – since 2004 she has been dealing with Ayurveda. She learned about Ayurvedic massage at the Jiva Ayurveda Institute in India, Faridabad under the direction of Doctor Partapa Chauhan. She completed training: „Ayurvedic Massage and Treatment”, „Ayurveda and Rejuvenation”, „Ayurvedic cooking and life style”. At the School of Ayurveda and Pancha Karma in Kanoor, Kerala held a course in the field of Ayurvedic Ayurvedic body work. She conducts Ayurvedic massage workshops, culinary workshops teaching how to prepare meals according to Ayurvedic principles, and teaches women how to take care of themselves using natural methods. She is extremely satisfied when after the treatments or workshops women come and say „Ela is working” www.ajurweda.pl

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