Od 18 czerwca 2012 jesteśmy partnerem TUI Poland w organizowaniu wyjazdów Incentive Travel


Necessarily visit this colorful, danceable, island of the sun, reggae music and scenic beaches.

Jamaica it’s white beaches, fantastic music, rich history, variety of natural attractions, exceptional cuisine, and very friendly people.

No matter if you want to climb a mountain, bike in the Blue Mountains, take part in river races, explore caves, watch birds, fish in the Caribbean Sea, swim with dolphins, it will be your dream tropical destination.

I recommend the unique Melia Braco Hotel and the West Coast resort of Negril with its famous Seven Miles beach with its fabulous sunsets.

Jamaica is fascinating, beautiful, intriguing and just waiting for you to discover and fall in love with her … enjoyment and the joy of life of the inhabitants of the island come from the moment you leave the plane.

author: Robert Nowak – Incentive Travel Manager & Travel Expert TPP

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